小编: 3242015年6月14日托福考试回忆
Task 1
Do you think it a good idea that university should not allow students to bring their personal computer to campus?
Task 2
Some colleges program classes during summer vacation, some take off class so that student can take a rest or do part time job. Which do you think is a good idea?
Task 3
Proposal: Allow students to park in the professors’ parking lot
Woman does not agree with the proposal
-There is a special parking lot near the gym, but a little far away from the classroom building, ten minutes’ walk. The person does not want to walk so far.
-In the morning, before the arrival of the professors, the parking lot is rather empty, but in the noon, it is packed with cars.
Task 4
Frustration tolerance which allows children to conquer the failure and complete their initial attempts.
One long example: the professor’s experience
He once bought a toy (Wooden bloc) for his kid. The boy tried to stack a tower with the wooden bloc. But he failed then he asked his father (the professor) for help. Each day when he failed and asked for help, the professor waited longer to help him. Finally, his son succeeded in tacking the tower.
Task 5
Problem: time conflict, the man has a chemistry exam tomorrow, he needs the woman to help him study chemistry tonight, but the woman forgot it and programed a school play with her friends.
Solution 1: Study together the next day at 8 o’clock right before the test
Solution 2: the woman can cancel the play.
Task 6
Two types of social group
Group 1. Highly connected, high interaction, bond, protect from the predator, example: elephant
Group 2 low or no interaction, just for protection from predators, no bond, do not know each other, can not recognize and distinguish each other, example: fish
1 女孩不能打印材料,寻求工作人员帮助(出题),得去打印机确认打印,为了防止同学不小心按打印选项浪费纸(出题),工作人员看到女孩打印的材料,讲到了女孩申请去green house 的一个youth项目做实习,女孩不是生物专业,但是对课题很感兴趣(出题),帮他的工作人员有朋友在green house工作说green house的工作环境真的很好。女孩问能帮忙吗(出题),不能,因为不知道那个朋友是否知道这个youth项目。
2 Forager & farmer
讲这两个各自的优势,forager 食物丰富营养丰富,wild food,farmer食物单一只有三种crops (出题),比较了两个地方原始人的骨骼,发现forager更高大,证明营养观点(出题),然后讲farmer优势在产量,后来又有了irrigation,同样的面积能比forager养活更多的人(出题)…
3 Bird migration
科学家发现迁徙中的鸟会进食,研究它们迁徙过程中食物构成的变化,通过测量它们呼气中的碳含量C12与C13的比例能了解吃了什么(出题)。呼吸的碳含量决定最近吃什么,血浆中的碳含量决定几天的,红细胞决定几周的,羽毛的决定几个月的,因此提取不同组织可以检测到整个迁徙过程的食物构成变化(出题)。举了个例子,通过这个方法发现一种岛上的鸟吃berry也吃corn,原因可能是找不到berry吃,也可能是corn能提供更多的能量给迁徙(出题多选)。这个实验方法也可以应用到其他动物,比如熊,研究他们nursing 和not nursing的食物变化(出题)但是安装一个mask到熊脸上测呼吸的碳元素不是容易事儿(出题)
4 选课问题,男的选了四门课都是没有期末考试要写paper 的,最后要交100页的paper,太困难了(出题),女的是课程顾问说她不知道为什么她没有早发现这个问题(出题),删掉两门纯文学的太难了,选了一门语言Latin,因为有同学也学,一起学效果好(出题),选了precalculus,但是要求高中修过三年数学,还要参加学校的预选考试(多选),男的说没问题高中都得A,准备考试小菜一碟(出题)。
5 Material science:graphene
纳米材料,超薄的可以到6个原子的厚度,但是graphene更厉害,到一个原子的厚度。然后解释什么是graphene,就是碳元素C,和钻石一样都是碳元素组成的简单晶体结构,但是graphene更加flexible(出题),曼彻斯特一个科学家发现用adhesive tape可以弄出一个原子纳米厚的graphene(出题)。它的传导性包括导电性和导热都超厉害(出题)。Silicon 导电性能很好一直用于电子设备,但是不能做到像graphene以牙膏薄,因此在目前这中电子设备越来越薄的趋势中,需要graphene的应用(出题),但是批量生产很难,目前做不到(出题)
6 Electronic music
促进20世纪electronic music发展的三大技术
阅读:19世纪一艘船被发现时,水手和救生小船都消失不见了,有三种理论解释:1 海盗劫持 2 或品种有用大桶装的可燃液体泄漏,为了避难 3 船底有些漏水,避难
听力:驳斥三种解释:1 海盗求财,没有收到任何海盗地要求,穿上贵重物品也都还在 2 可燃液体气味很大而且很持久,找到船地人应该会发现这个气味,但是没有人提到过这个气味 3 船底虽然有漏水,但是没有严重到影响行驶,而且船员都是有经验地水手,不可能在这种情况下弃船,坐救生小船更加危险。
Do you agree or disagree with the statement:
Doing sports teaches you a good lesson about your life.
1 工业革命,科技发展,提到了打印技术,炼钢技术地发展
2 Civilization: Mesopotamia 的城市与埃及的城市的区别。Mesopotamia使用同样的文字等等,城市之间存在竞争还会有为了资源等等的战争。埃及城市分布在尼罗河案。没有竞争,平均分布,城墙只是为了划分区域