小编:长安 176Hello everyone,this is teacher Lydia, welcome to today's one minute English, today we are going to talk about a topic in part one---crowded place.
很多同学,一看这个题目觉得不是很难,因为在我们中国嘛,人多的情况很多并且大家已经习以为常了。好的,比如我们这道题:what places do you think are often crowded?同学们就会说很多啊,公共交通、学校、医院等等。虽然这是个列举题,但是我们最好specific一点,要精确。
比如这里,天津环球教育徐雪慧老师建议大家,可以time+place,用确切拥挤时间来说明,比如:rush hour 的地铁,peak season的touristy spots。到底有多拥挤呢,大家一看就明白。
说完了场景,尽量在题里增加些feeling吧,这里老师再教大家一个说法,keep out of my bubble,bubble大家知道是泡泡的意思,这里也可以指安全地带,地铁里太拥挤以至于我很难让人离我远一点,让他们不侵犯我的安全地带。
好了,对于这个题呢,同学们可以这样回答:There are plenty of overcrowding places in China, like on the subway during rush hour and the peak season in touristy spots. I always find it is hard to keep people out of my bubble. 这样客观加主观才是比较完整地答案。
Ok,so much for today's one minute English, stay tuned and see you next time!