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小编:Hosea 197

  Part 2&3考题总结


  1.A friend you recently met and want to know more.

  2.A personality of yours.

  3.Someone you like to spend time with.

  4.A leader you admire.


  1.A city/foreign country you worked/want to work for a short time.

  2.A tall building which you like or dislike/ you have been to.

  3.An interesting public place in your city that people visit/ you  often go to.

  4.A good place you go to relax.

  5.A parking place.


  1.A gift or present you send recently.

  2.A dish you can cook

  3.A wild animal you know/ you had a close contact with.

  4.A thing you may use your imagination.

  5.A special meal you would like to have.

  6.A film you like.

  7.A small business you want to start.

  8.A big company you think is interesting.

  9.A course you want to learn in the future.


  1.An occasion which you got up early.

  2.A thing you share with others

  3.A skill you learned in your childhood.

  4.A happy event.

  5.A time when you are busy.

  6.An appointment you forgot./ A time you missed an appointment.

  7.A mistake you made.

  8.An experience which made you a little angry.

  9.An activity you do to keep fit.

  10.The first time you ate a kind of food or snack.

  11.A short trip you dislike.

  12.An activity that is a bit expensive.

  13.An interesting tradition.

  14.A method that helped you to save money.

  15.A teamwork/team project that you have been part of.


  1.A website you usually visit.

  2.An APP that you think is useful.

  3.An advertisement you saw.

  4.An international sports event.

  5.An interest song.

  6.An area of subject(science) that you are interested in (such as  medicine, physics)


  Do you think the Internet is a good way to get  news?


  Sample answer:

  It depends. Sometimes the news on the internet is unreliable, so you  can’t believe all of it. However, it’s faster and more comprehensive to get  news on the internet. So, we should be careful when it comes to the news  online.

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