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201559 托福考试真题回忆


第一篇  考古地理结合 探测古代的一种东西


第二篇 威尼斯的饮用水问题。

文章分开两大部分论述威尼斯的饮用水问题,一部分是造成饮用水问题的原因,另外一个部分就是解决饮用水问题的解决方案。第一段讲的是威尼斯虽然是一个水城,但是面对及其严重的饮用水问题。第二段解释了饮用水问题的主要原因是因为生活用水的污染,包括一些染料工坊以及屠宰场的污染。第三段先说了威尼斯人原来用的是well里面的水,但是随着经济的发展,well已经满足不了威尼斯人对于水的需求,所以有了cistern system。第四段说了这个系统的存在反映的社会各个阶层的区别。大户人家一户就有一个cistern,而穷人则好多户公用一个cistern。第五段说威尼斯人还想过好多办法来解决水源问题,比如用船队从附近的河流直接运淡水回来,然后倒进cistern里面。还有就是建立诸多的储水设施的大型政府工程。但是在某个时期停止了,原因是因为出现了瘟疫导致大量人口死亡。还有一个原因是因为非常昂贵。

第三篇 青蛙的两种不同叫声 两个实验 探测两种鸣叫的目的 不同情况下吸引雌性和捕食者 有两种方式(普通版和增强版),其叫声的主要目的是吸引配偶,但是最后也说这样会吸引到它的捕食者蝙蝠。但是最后一段各种逻辑的结论就是,青蛙还是需要大声地叫,虽然很危险,但是这种行为得到的好处要大于其付出的代价,所以还是划得来。

词汇 henceforth, excavation, oblige, substantial, launch, preference to, alter


Conversation 女生找教授询问有关论文资料的事儿 sliver对一些城市的影响 还有矿城的衰落

Lecture 1 new computerizing and old computerizing 旧的设计比较快,内存比较的大的;新的设计主要根据客户需求,满足客户体验

Lecture 2 建筑学有关的 新型节能建筑 从结构和新材料上节能

Conversation 学生职业规划和找工作的事儿 提供的帮助

Lecture 1 roman 相关 讲欧洲中世纪人口骤减的原因。之前Roman empire统治世界,从庞贝遗迹之类能看出那时候,人口很多。但中世纪人口为什么下降?第一个原因仕建造房子的材料。罗马帝国的材料仕水泥之类坚固的材料。中世纪仕organic material 容易decay。所以没有什么证据被找到。例子:bradley hillyevering这两个地方如果不是文字记载yevering那里曾经是某个king的属地,也不知道曾经住过上千人。后面讲到demographic distribution map有些地方是空白的怎样.

Lecture 2 海洋生物 tuna 金枪鱼 fish aggregation 的两个对比 学生先提出2个可能:protect against predatorfood resource老师讲到tuna金枪鱼,提出meetingpoint theory 说在漂浮物下的population size larger than 平时水里的size(有题)。然后,两个Spanish challenge this说只有病的金枪鱼在成年后还躲在漂浮物之下,其他的鱼早就不躲了。教授举例coloration过程。最后,讲fad fishing aggregation device)捕鱼的人利用这个特质抓金枪鱼,但不捕未成年的,不在coastal放之类


S1: Your university is planning to allow students to watch TV in theirs dormitories. What is your opinion? What are the advantages and disadvantages of watching TV in dormitories? Include reasons and examples to support your response.

Televisions in the dorm sound great to me. They could be educational and entertaining. There are tons of educational documentaries or research films out there, like discovery channel, national geography, etc. Students could broaden their horizons through watching TV. At the meantime, watching TV series could let college students release the stress they got from work or study. After a whole day of study or working, students could really use a break. Plus, televisions are also a good way to get information from.

S2: Which is the better way to get information, from newspaper or from computer?

Honestly speaking, newspaper has never ever been a way for me to get  the news. Because I always turn to computer for the latest news. As we know, there is a wealth of news online, say, news about fashion, politics, sports, health, and so on.  Plus, with the development of technology, computers become more and more portable. You can carry a laptop or a smart phone and read it anywhere you want, such as on the bus, on the plane and on a cruise ship. The computer could provide you with the faster and most accurate information no matter where your are.

第二题也可能会是  报纸是比电视更重要的新闻获取方式?赞成或反对

S3: 学校计划聘请专业人士策划一个活动(Spring Musical)原因:1、学生可以学到很多,2、导演有名气能吸引更多观众,听力:女生反对:1、导演太忙,几乎不露面,学生学不到东西,2、导演只在专业领域有名气,其他专业的学生根本没听过这人

The university newspaper has announced a plan to hire a famous director to help with the school’s spring musical, which used to be directed by students. School are convinced that students could learn from this professional director, and more students would be attracted to the musical because of him. However, in the conversation, the woman holds a negative view towards this plan, for two reasons as follows. Firstly, the director is a very busy person, and can only come to the school once a week. He won’t be able to put much time into the spring musical. So it’s better to hire a student to do the job. Secondly, the director is only well- known in his own filed. Many students have never heard of him, so he is unlikely to draw many students to come and watch the musical.

S4: 【名词解释】experience goods 指没有用过就不知道好坏的货物,一般商家会提供免费样品给客户试试。【教授举例】例子是他卖教学DVD的朋友,那朋友自己知道DVD很好,但是没人买。她给那地区所有学校送了一张,结果老师发现学生很喜欢,于是纷纷订购,后来全国都有人购买。

The reading passage introduces a term called experience goods. Experience goods means goods or services whose value or usefulness can only be known after they’ve been used. In the lecture, a friend of the professor's started a company selling educational DVDs for children which contained games teaching children language skills. At first, nobody bought them. Then the friend sent a free sample to an elementary school teacher. The teacher used the DVD in class and the kids thought it was fun and that they'd learned a lot. Then children started to buy the product and the DVDs became very popular.

S5: 问题:学生要买laptop却没钱,解决方案:1、打工挣钱,买笔记本,但会耽搁学习,2、把攒的用来和朋友去NY旅行的钱拿来买电脑

The man in the conversation is moving off campus, so he won't have easy access to the computer lab to work on his papers, and he doesn’t own a computer himself. To cope with this problem, the man faces two possible solutions. The first solution is that he can try to save money by working more hours at the library, but he has a lot of classes at the moment. The second solution is to buy a laptop using the money for the winter trip to NYC. If I were him, I would definitely choose the first solution. Working more hours in the library wouldn’t be too much burden on me, but it could generate more income for me, so that I could afford myself a laptop. Also, traveling extensively could enlarge my eyesight. So, I would recommend the man to take the first option.

S6: Polar bear适应严寒的两个adaptations1、虽然毛是白的但皮肤是黑的,能吸收太阳能,2、毛表面有层油脂,因此water proof,成为绝缘层,保温

The professor talks about how polar bears keep warm in the cold environment. The first way is to absorb more heat and light from the sun. Its fur is white, but the underneath is black, and it can absorb more sunlight. The second way is to have waterproof oily skin, so that when it swims, it doesn't lose heat.



阅读猜三个用途,第一做饭 第二做鼓用的 第三装上水就是个镜子因为它和希腊金属镜子差不多了


W2独立写作: Disagree or disagree: All the university students should be required to take history courses no matter what files they study is.


1. There are lessons in the history we should learn from in order to avoid making the same mistakes. (nuclear bomb)

2. There are also people in the history we should respect and whose personal qualities we should learn from. (Charles Darwin, Thomas Edison, etc.)

3. Many problems have their roots back in history so we need to understand that particular period of history in order to learn how the present problems have aroused. (conflict in the middle east between Israel and Palestine)

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