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022-5837-8200 雅思考试官方合作伙伴
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小编:Hosea 183


  What's your  attitude toward jewelry?

  What kind of  jewelry do you like to buy?

  Why so many  poeple choose to buy expensive jewelry to maitain value?

  How often do you  wear jewelry?



  How often do you  wear a watch?

  What was your  first watch like?

  What kinds of  watches do you like to wear?

  Do poeple still  wear watches in your country?


  How often do you  buy shoes?

  Have you ever  bought shoes online?

  Do you know  anyone who likes to buy a lot of shoes?

  What's your  favorite type of shoes?

  Musical  instrument(新题)



  Do you like to do sports?

  Are you interested in sports?

  Do you like to go to places near water?

  What kind of activities near water do you like?

  Do you often travel by boat?

  Do you like boating?

  Do you think learn swimming is important?

  Walking (New)

  1.Do you like to  walk?

  2.Do you like to  walk on your own or with others?

  3.Would you say  that your city is a good place for walking?

  4.When and where  do you usually walk?

  5.Who do you walk  with?

  6.Do you think  walking helps with health?

  7.Do you often do  outdoor games in your childhood?


  How do you spend your weekends?

  Do you often go to watch movies in the cinema?


  Do you like holidays?

  How do you spend your holiday?

  What do you usually do on your holiday?

  Do you like to stay at home or go out?

  Can you describe the best experience that you had  on holiday?

  How long is your holiday?

  Do you prefer spending holidays alone or with  other people?


  What kind of weather do you like?

  What do you usually do on a sunny day?

  Do you prefer sunny weather or other weathers?

  Activities  near water

  Why do some  people like water sports?

  What activities  would you do if you were spending some leisure time at  a beach or near  ocean?

  Do you think the  government should invest money in developing  facilities of water  sports?

  Do you think the  human activities is posing a threats to the ocean of  the world?

  Indoor  games

  Do you play any  indoor games?

  Do you prefer to  play indoor games or outdoor  games?

  What indoor  games did you play when you were a  child?

  Is there any  particular indoor games that you  liked?

  What sorts of  indoor games do children play now?

  Sunny  days

  Do you like  sunny day?

  What do you like  to do when it’s a sunny day?

  Would you like  to stay at home or go outside when  the weather is great?

  Are there many  sunny days in your hometown?

  Sing (New)

  1.Do you often  like to sing?

  2.When do you like  to sing?

  3.How much time do  you spend on singing everyday?

  4.What kinds of  music do you like to sing?

  5.Is it difficult  to sing well?

  6.Do you want to  be a singer?

  7.Who is your  favorite singer?

  8.Is singing  popular in your country?

  9.What makes a  singer popular all over the world?

  10.Why do many  people what to be famous through singing?

  Games  (New)

  1.Do you often  play games?

  2.What games are  popular in China?

  3.Do different age  groups of people like to play different games?

  4.How have  computers influenced the games people play?

  5.What’s the  difference between boys and girls in terms of playing games?

  6.What’s the  difference between adults and kids in terms of playing games?

  7.What’s the  difference between games played in the past and those played nowadays?

  8.What age do you  think is the best time to play?

  Painting (New)

  1.Do you like  painting or drawing?

  2.How often do you  visit art galleries?

  3.What kinds of  things do you like to draw?

  4.Is it easy to  learn how to draw?

  5.Have you ever  learned painting in your childhood?

  6.Do you like art show/display/exhibition?

  7.Have you ever  been to art museum?

  8.Do you think a  person can teach him or herself how to draw?

  9.Do you think  young children should learn to paint at school?

  10.Why do you  think some people buy wall paintings?



  Which color you don’t choose when you decorate  your room?

  Which color makes you unhappy?

  What’s your favorite color?

  What’s the popular color among your friends?


  Do you like study alone or with others?

  Do you like work alone or with others?


  Are there any sounds that you like?

  What kind of noise do you come across in your  daily life?

  Are there any noises where you live?

  How do you feel if there is noise where you work?


  Who do you like to spend your birthday with?  (family or friends)

  What will a child do on his/her birthday?

  Do you think birthday is important?

  Which is your most important birthday?


  Do you often  have dreams at night?

  Have you had bed  dreams before?

  What was the  strangest dream you have had?

  What do you usually  dream about?

  Forget  things(旧题)

  What kinds of  things do you have to bring when  you go out?

  Did you ever  forget to bring something?

  How do you  remind yourself?

  Do you carry  different things in the morning and in the evening?


  1.Do you like science?

  2.Are there many science  museums in your hometown?

  3.Did you like science classes  when you were young?

  4.Do you think schoolchildren  should both art classes and science classes?

  5.Do you think science is  important to our society?


  1.Do you like history class?

  2.When was the last time you  read history books?

  3.What are the differences  between learning history from books and from watching films?

  4.Do you like films adapted  from real history?

  5.Do you think museums are important?

  6.Do you think it is suitable  for museums to sell things to visitor?

  7.Do you like (to learn about)  history?

  8.What historical event do you  find most interesting?

  9.Do you think history is  important?

  10.Do you like to watch  programs on TV about history?

  11.Do you think you (= one)  can (really) learn history from films and/or TV programs?

  12.Do you think the Internet  is a good place to learn about history?

  13.Can you name a person from  history whom you would like to learn more about?

  14.Why would you like to learn  more about him/her?

  Daily routine(新题)

  What part of  your day do you like best?

  What's your  daily routine?

  what's the  busiest part of day for you?

  What's the  difference of routine between you and your teenager's time?

  Time management

  1.Are you good at organizing  time?

  2.How do you usually organize  time?

  3.Do you think planning is  important for time management?

  4.Why do some people find it  hard to follow their plans?

  5.How would you teach your  children time management?

  Part 2&3考题总结


  1.A friend you recently met and  want to know more.

  2.A personality of yours.

  3.Someone you like to spend time  with.

  4.A leader you admire

  5.Describe a couple you know who you think have a happy  marriage. (New)

  6.Describe a helpful person at work/school.(New)

  7.Describe the politest  person you know

  8.Describe a family number who has had important influence on  you.

  9.Describe an interesting neighbor.

  10.Describe a family member made you proud.

  11.Describe a famous person that you are interested in.


  1.A city/foreign country you  worked/want to work for a short time.

  2.A tall building which you like  or dislike/ you have been to.

  3.An interesting public place in  your city that people visit/ you often go to.

  4.A good place you go to relax.

  5.A parking place.

  6.Describe a place you visited that had a lot of  people. (New)

  7.Describe a city or town you visited that you liked.(New)

  8.Describe an interesting house or apartment you  visited.

  9.Describe a shop that just opened in your hometown.

  10.Describe a cafe which you have been to.

  11.Describe a popular place where people like to go swimming.

  12.Describe a quiet place.


  1.A gift or present you send  recently.

  2.A dish you can cook

  3.A wild animal you know/ you  had a close contact with.

  4.A thing you may use your  imagination.

  5.A special meal you would like  to have.

  6.A film you like.

  7.A small business you want to  start.

  8.A big company you think is  interesting.

  9.A course you want to learn in  the future.

  10.Describe an invention that has  changed the world.(New)

  11.Describe an important  plant in your country (that you like).(New)

  12.Describe a piece of  clothing you like.(New)

  13.Describe an impressive  work of art (such as painting or sculpture) you saw.(New)

  14.Describe a TV drama  series that you like.(New)

  15.Describe a book you  want to read again.

  16.Describe an  interesting song.

  17.Describe a kind of  weather you like.

  18.Describe a decision  made by others that you disagreed with.

  19.Describe a well-paid  job that you will be good at.


  1.An occasion which you got up  early.

  2.A thing you share with others

  3.A skill you learned in your  childhood.

  4.A happy event.

  5.A time when you are busy.

  6.An appointment you forgot./ A  time you missed an appointment.

  7.A mistake you made.

  8.An experience which made you a  little angry.

  9.An activity you do to keep  fit.

  10.The first time you ate a kind  of food or snack.

  11.A short trip you dislike.

  12.An activity that is a bit  expensive.

  13.An interesting tradition.

  14.A method that helped you to  save money.

  15.A teamwork/team project that  you have been part of.

  Describe a time when someone gave a clever solution to a  problem.(New)

  Describe a time when you received something free. (New)

  Describe an occasion that lots of people laughed.(New)

  Describe an English lesson you enjoyed.(New)

  Describe a time when you had a special cake. (New)

  Describe a time when you moved to a new school or home.(New)

  Describe a happy experience in your childhood that you  remember well.(New)

  Describe a time when you arrived very early for an  appointment.(New)

  Describe a new change in your recent life.(New)

  Describe a sport game you enjoyed watching.(New)

  Describe a piece of good news you heard from someone you know.(New)

  Describe a trip you had by bike.(New)

  Describe an interesting talk with a stranger.(New)

  Describe an activity you would like to do at  or near the sea.

  Describe an interesting talk or speech.

  Describe a/an new/exciting activity that you want to try  for the first time.

  Describe a  time you had good experience in the  countryside.

  Describe holiday you want to go on in the future.

  Describe a kind of foreign food you have had.

  Describe an occasion that you received a good service from a  restaurant or shop.

  Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or  study.

  Describe a time you had to wait for something special to  happen.

  Describe an event in history in your country.

  Describe a special meal that you would like to have.

  Describe a time that you were waiting for something.

  Describe an experience you spend your time with a child.

  Describe an experience that you are not allowed to use your  mobile phone.


  1.A website you usually visit.

  2.An APP that you think is  useful.

  3.An advertisement you saw.

  4.An international sports event.

  5.An interest song.

  6.An area of subject(science)  that you are interested in (such as medicine, physics)

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