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2013最新雅思口语Part2预测 环球教育 黄静婷
1. A café you have been to
2. A website you visited=a message you received
3. A recent change in your life/ sth makes you happy recently
4. A special meal/a party you like to give for friends or family
5. A product you want to buy after you saw the advertisement/unsatisfied product/clothes
6. A perfect holiday in your mind (travel)/ a relaxing thing/a trip by public transport
7. A plant in your country
8. A lesson or training you enjoyed
9. Equipment (not computer)
10. A person who has an important job
11. A book you want to read again
12. A place of natural beauty/a garden/a place where is crowded with people
13. A good neighbor / a polite person/a person you like to talk to/ a teenager/a good friend/ good parent/a person who made wrong decision/a visitor to your home
14. A film based on a real person or event=An important event in history= Traditional event
15. A gift you received
16. A useful thing that you learn from your family/sth useful that you learnt in a math class
17. Library/A room/an apartment/a beautiful house/a place in work or school
18. A rule in school which you agree or disagree
19. A language you learnt which is not English
20. A performance/a speech
21. An occasion of being late/ help others
22. A toy that you used to play with/a game you played when you were a child
23. A sport event

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