小编:长安 330很多同学会选择很多不同的课外材料来提高英语能力,比如看美剧,看TED演讲或者是新闻。但是在雅思备考的过程中却发现用处不大,那么我们应该如何正确选择这些课外材料来做到应试呢?
这里环球教育天津分校张锦文老师向大家推荐一档BBC的英语学习节目:BBC 6 minutes English。每期节目时长大约6分钟,其中涉及地道的英文表达及话题讨论,同时会对一些高级词汇进行讲解,非常适合英语有一定基础,并希望在雅思口语考试中获得高分的同学。
以其中一期节目为例:为什么城市让我们变得无礼。节目由地铁上陌生人间的交谈引入话题,随后讨论了人们为什么不愿意与陌生人交谈以及与人交谈的好处有哪些。其中还介绍了一个组织“talk to me London”,只要佩戴该组织的徽章,就表明你愿意与陌生人交谈。那么在口语话题中,我们应该如何应用呢?
Part 2话题:1. An interesting conversation with a stranger
示例:It was really an enjoyable experience when somebody actually talked to me on the tube. He said what a lovely day it was and great to see the sun again, something along those lines. At first, I was surprised and a little scared. For me, it is quite unusual behavior in cities because people always sit there with a frown on the face fiddling with their phone…
Part 2话题:2. Describe a big company or organization you know
示例: I heard of an organization in London called talk to me London, which has created Tubechat badges that people can wear to show that they are happy to talk to strangers. And it really brought an idea for the commuters to chat with strangers instead of sitting there with a frown on their face, fiddling with their phones, which really makes people better on their way to work, because when you have a positive interaction with somebody, your body will release a chemical to make you feel happy…
Part 3话题:Politeness 相关
示例:Is there any difference between etiquette in cities and in small towns? 答:The most impressive one is that people in cities don't talk to strangers while it's much easier to do that in small towns. From my point of view, it is because when we live in cities where we hustle to survive, our brain would become hyper vigilant to the threats surrounding us. We refuse to talk to strangers or have eye contact with them, which makes us seem to be rude. On the other hand, when we are in small towns, our bodies are more relaxed, which makes it easier for us to talk.