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小编:Hosea 183

  5.retard 减速,阻碍

  有同学又要问了,faster 对应加速,

  那么 slower呢?减速怎么说?


  举个例子:“For example, libraries that do not electronically index their resources retard the rate at which a student can access information.”


  Alternatives for important/unimportant

  不论是在写作还是口语当中,important/unimportant 都是会大量出现的词汇,但是又为了要避免重复使用统一的单词,那么问题来了,应该用什么次替换?


  6.key 关键


  考生:“The wedding planner we hired was a key individual for three reasons. Firstly, he was able to…”


  考官:How do you define a “hero”?

  考生:“I think integrity, kindness and honesty are key. To me, a hero is someone that does the right thing even when no one is looking.”

  写作中同样会用到 “A key feature of the diagram is the pause that occurs between the first and second halves of the paper making process.”

  7.chiefly 主要;首先

  当你们要表达“主要,基本”这个意思的时候你们脱口而出的是哪一个单词呢?basically? mainly? 还是firstly? 98%的同学基本上就只会用这两个单词吧,如果是写作的话 basically 还会出现拼写错误。

  考官: (In response to a Part 2 monologue about an important person in your country.) What do you think ___ will be most remembered for?

  考生: “I think ___ will be chiefly remembered for his contributions to science…”

  写作中也同样可以用到:“For example, it has long been established that carbon dioxide emissions are chiefly responsible for global warming.”

  8.trivial 琐碎的,无价值的;平常的

  最后,表否定的 unimportant 替换词来啦! 当大部分考生还在用 “not important”或者 normal做否定表达的时候,你用一个trivial, 是不是就瞬间比别人高了不止一个档次了呢?

  考官: How central was the Internet to your studies at university?

  考生:“To be honest, the role it played was quite trivial. I found the vast amount of my studying was done using the traditional resources found at the university library.”

  写作中如果遇到这样的问题: A pie chart comparing the impact various human activities have on the death rates of forest fauna.

  你可以这样写:“Although pesticides account for 43% of all fauna death rates, mortalities due to human activities at campsites reveal the comparatively trivial figure of 0.01%.”


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