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scattered--wide spread




bioluminous animals

在深海地区的动物会发光 用途主要是吸引异性 捕捉猎物 躲避天敌 他们是光感动物 light detective还有些动物是vibration detective通过震动感知其他生物的存在 生物发光的途径有两种一种是自身发光 另一种是依靠微生物发光 在某些深海地区 部分生物用光了氧气 所以在那种地区的捕食者 一般腮很大 能吸入更多的氧气 而且很机会主义 他们不会主动攻击猎物而是守株待兔 节省体力

urban development of Rome

罗马等城市的发展使得大量农村人口涌入城市 减缓了农村地区土地分散的情况 同时人口流入而卫生情况不好也导致了人口死亡率很高而商人也是城市发展主要的得益者 他们又通过花钱建造大型建筑来提高自己的社会地位 因为大家都投资罗马 所以原先罗马周围的城市都没落了 相反有两个城市因为自己重要的地理位置(交通枢纽)而繁荣起来

light level and art works

文章开头说了一个人写了本书提倡大家调暗灯光来保护艺术品 正常艺术品150(单位忘了)敏感的艺术品50 在这种条件下 人们依然能看清 可是后来大家发现艺术品依然有损坏的迹象 颜色也出现了偏差 而且好多管理员并没有很强的专业知识他们不能针对不同材质来进行光的调节 作者很喜欢丹麦艺术馆的光布置 他们通过墙先吸收有害光线 在把光打到艺术品上 人们既能看得很清楚 又不会对艺术品产生损坏




                            经典加试为ID card, Glial cells 和William Wordsworth。


meal plan

学生饭卡里meal剩了70顿但是离学期结束还剩两周 吃不完 问老师能不能refund或者留到下学期做credit 老师表示必须不行啊 学生本来235顿/学期的又想换190顿/学期的那种 老师说大三大四就能换了现在吃不完可以请客啊 如果真的那么想换的话可以找dean谈谈啊 学生说时间紧事儿多不想找dean


analytical paper

学生找了个music website的实习 寒暄过后问老师为啥上次的paper得分低了 老师说大学的paper和高中的不一样啊 要写出对理论的感想和应用啊学生秒懂举了个自己亲戚的例子 老师说不错 但是这篇文没法改了 下一篇你好好写 老师答应给学生写推荐信


black diamond

黑钻石 可以切割物品 原子排列不一样 所以多孔 黑钻的来源可能是陨石撞击地球带来的 因为黑钻和presolar diamond很像 他们都是比地球还要早形成的 然后在地球两个不同的地方都发现了黑钻 是因为原来这两个地方是连在一起的(大陆漂移)


Greek coins

先定义了钱币的概念 有一种lydia的金银钱币 一开始是画动物的而且没占满整个表面后来开始画人 会有诡异的笑容 再后来开始画正常的笑容 Alexander大帝开始往god的画像里面加入自己的特质 后来帝王们就开始在coin上画自己了 前壁上还有很多现在已经找不到了的当时的古建筑让人们能知道建筑存在的大致时间和外观 还可以由钱币上的签名得知当时的艺术家们


songs of cetacean

鲸鱼的歌声一般由几个片段组成 不同的鲸鱼片段的组成不同 歌声的作用 交流 吸引异性 鲸鱼从peers学歌 鸟从parents学歌 歌声一般有变化但是不大 backhump鲸鱼(座头鲸??)的歌声却有急剧的变化 歌声有地域性的特质 因为声音传播不会太远



印第安人部落之间解决冲突的一种活动 两个部落一个host一个guest 后来变成了三个部落之间举行一个host两个guest host部落会共享自己的资源给另外两个部落 三个部落根据自己的资源多少来决定谁做host 然后host酋长的brother-in-law也在活动里面有着比较重的角色因为他一般联姻很多


Task 1 Choose between the following three activities that your school is planning to hold. 1. a theater performance by student actors 2. a concert by professional musicians 3. a lecture by a well-known professor

Task 2 Which do you prefer? Review your notes regularly throughout the semester or review the notes at the end of the semester for a day or two?

Task 3 A student has proposed that the university should remove the large-screen TVs from the dining hall. Because this disturbed students who want to have a quiet environment or who want to have undistracted personal conversations with one another. While the man in the conversation held a negative view towards the proposal for two reasons. Firstly, the dining hall is supposed to be a place for students to relax. It can’t be perfectly quiet. If students want to find somewhere quiet on campus, there are plenty of places to go, like the library. Secondly, college students are adults already. They are mature enough to generate conversations with each other if they really want to. The school shouldn’t be concerned.

Task 4 Prototype matching refers to the meaning that people could make choices by imagining other people’s decision. The lecturer talks about an example of a guy deciding whether to commute the few miles by car to new job or just to ride a bicycle. He first imagined the typical person he would find in each decision choice. People who take cars would be able to arrange their own money but may not be very athletic. For people who take bicycle, they tend to be athletic and sporty. Then he compared each person to himself, and he made the decision to ride a bike because he can relate to the athletic cycler more.

Task 5 The man in the conversation is an editor of the campus newspaper. The newspaper is planning to publish a report about an art exhibition, but the student writer called in sick. So the man faces two possible solution. He can either wait the writer to recover or he can ask another student to write it.

Task 6 The professor illustrates how animals determine their status. One approach is fighting. When two birds in the flock both want to access to the food resource the first, they just fight with each other with their beaks. The winner gets to eat first and have higher status in the flock. Another approach is to make a simple guess. When the two birds who are fighting for higher status, the third bird observed and found it weaker than either of them. Therefore, the third one determined that its status is lower than those two simply through observation.


综合 Carolina bay是否由陨石撞击形成

阅读 由meteorite撞击爆炸产生

听力 阅读文章not convincing

阅读 沙子边缘不整齐是爆炸造成的 而且沙子也一边多一边少

听力 水sea current冲的 水流的方向导致了一边多一边少

阅读 爆炸产生的intense heat把沙子外面的iron coating融化了

听力 如果温度很高的话 sand就变成glass了 但是事实上并没有 说明有另外的原因造成iron缺失 可能是因为化学原因

阅读 在海滩发现了B 物质 是在高压下形成的

听力 如果是这样的话 那么在很多地方都应该能找到B 可事实上却只有小部分地区有所以有可能是lightning造成的

独立Do you agree or disagree? It is better to have friends who are intelligent than to have friends who have a good sense of humor.

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