小编: 598环球教育北美考试院为大家带来8月30日托福口语预测(托福机经),希望对托福考生有帮助。环球小编温馨提醒:托福机经仅供参考,考生们平常要勤加学习复习,提升实力才是关键,希望大家考出好成绩。
Task 1
1. Choose one of the following natural environments and explain why you would like to live there most: mountain, forest, desert, prairie, seashore or somewhere else? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
2. Which of the following do you think is the most difficult and challenging for university students? Being far away from families finding time to relax or making new friends.
3. Choose one of the following natural environments and explain why you would like to live there most: mountain, forest, desert, prairie, seashore or somewhere else?
4. Describe a special gift you given to a friend and explain why it is important. Please include reasons and details to support your response.
5. If you had the opportunity to travel to the moon, would you choose to go and why? Please use examples and reasons to support your answer.
6. Which one of the following factor do you think is most important when it comes to traveling. Low cost, good weather, or various activities?
7. Choose ONE of the forms of the technology in the list and tells why it changes (has had great impact) people's lives in your country?a) The airplane b)The computer c)The Television
Task 2
1. Some people play games for enjoyment. Others play games in order to win. Which do you prefer and why?
2. Which do you think is more important for someone to be successful: taking risks or making safe decisions?
3. Some people prefer to spend their vacation in the countryside while others prefer large cities. Which do you prefer and why? Please use examples and reasons to support your answer.
4. Some people play games for enjoyment. Others play games in order to win. Which do you prefer and why?
5. Do you agree or disagree that to be successful, a person should study in the university?
6. Some students prefer to study in a library. Others prefer to study at home or in dormitories. Which way do you prefer and why? Include reasons and details in your response.
7. Some people believe that it is better for small children to grow up in a small town. Others, however, believe that it’s better for them to grow up in a big city. Which do you think is better?
Task 3
1. 阅读:有student letter建议要将图书馆的桌椅替换成新的,理由是给学生们提供—个更舒适的环境,并且可以吸引更多学生。听力••女学生(1)更舒适的环境只会让学生 sleepy,(2)就是吸引学生的重点不对,很多学生不来图书馆的原因是图书馆没有足够多的插座,很多同学要带电脑,应该增加插座才对。
2. 阅读:学校打算搞一个全校大扫除 campus cleanup day, 征集志愿者, 且结束之后还要办个party 有 music 有cakes。听力:男生很同意,而且打算报名,因为全校大扫除有利于保持学校的形象。那些乱扔垃圾的同学看到他的同学在捡垃圾后就不会再乱扔垃圾了,就算同学没有参加,也会意识到维持卫生是很重要的。而且活动结束后有 party 会吸引更多的志愿者(volunteer)参加,大家可以 social阿,enjoy music 啊.
3. 阅读:学校报纸上有个 PROPOSAL说宿舍的电视节目里加入国际频道。第一个好处是可以帮助大家学习外语,第二个好处可以让国际学生接触到自己看到自己国家的电视节目听力:女学生觉得 PROPOSAL特别好。然后分别举自身例子证明这两个理由。第一,她在学西班语,然后发现看这个国际频道可以说明她提升西班牙语水平,加大词汇量。第二,她去年去西班牙学习了,当时在那的美国学生都想看在美国发生了点什么。所以可以理解国际学生有这个需求。
4. 阅读:打算增加 seminar上限人数,由 8人提高到 15人。第一,为了给更多人机会;另一个原因是学生增加了,但是教授不够。听力:男学生认为学校不应该这样做。1- 因为小班有更好的讨论和参与 participation, if人数增加了他们会没有这些好处。2- 学校有更多的学生就会有更多的 tuition收人以请更多的教授,而不是应该增加班级人数。
Task 4
1 hindsight bias,心理学的后知之明,文章说人经常放马后炮,事情没发生前猜测是那样子,等到事情发生了,结果出来了,自己却说以前就预测到。
2 阅读:kinesthetic teaching 是教学方法里挺好的方法,通过让孩子使用 physical operation ,例如摆弄 某些玩意,从而学习知识,更加 active,记忆深刻,并且 have fun。
听力:教授讲了自己当年教育小孩的经历。一开始他 hold a big clock,教学生看时间、问学生是几点了, 学生 they felt boring and were just staring at the clock, ignore him.于是,他带学生玩一个游戏,叫“Human Clock Game”。用一个纸板画成表的外框, 让一个同学拿着这个外框装钟表,另一个同学用手臂当表的指针,然后让学生上前面用胳膊表示出老师说的时间,并且 put his hand on the shoulder of the child stand in the core of the circle.中心的小孩就开始报时:“三点钟!”。他们的积极性都被调动起来,都很喜欢这个游戏,让学习变得有效。题目:要求你介绍老师的这个方法。
3 阅读:讲memory amnesia means the sources of the memory are forgotten,人们能记住一个事情的具体内容,但是不记得在哪什么时候发生的。
听力:教授说自己和妹妹聊天说小的时候我们hiking,累的时候看到很多很多漂亮的蝴蝶,有力气继续 hiking。妹妹 laughed at him说,没有呀,我们没有见过呀。这个情景出现在他们儿时共同看的电视节目里面。教授又想了下说,是呀,是从 TV 上看到的