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雅思口语话题解析:Rainy Day



小编:moon 163

  作为西方人生活中不可或缺的一个话题,weather似乎从未退出过雅思口语高频题的舞台。在近几年的考试中,rainy day也一直作为重点出现。因此,本文将带领各位同学详细分析以下问题的解答方法:How do you feel on rainy days?

  首先,回答这个问题的两个关键词为’feel’和’rain’,即阐述雨天和你情绪之间的关系。或者换种问法,变成How do rainy days affect your mood? 在这里,需要考生掌握基本的情绪表达,虽然表达的方式多种多样,但总体可归纳为正面情绪和负面情绪。按照这个思路,可以借鉴的句式有:Rainy days affect my mood in a positive / negative way. 这句话可作为开头句,然后再进一步描述具体的情绪。如果你选择说positive effect,那么你可以说“Rain can really calm me down”, “I feel quite delighted when it’s raining”。相反,如果你的答案是negative, 你可以回答“Rain usually makes me feel the blues”, “I tend to feel low on rainy days”.

  当然,以上的回答仅仅是第一步,接下来你就要问自己这个问题:Why does rain affect your mood in this way?以下给大家列举一些例子:
  1. Rain can really calm me down. Everything seems peaceful and quiet on rainy days. When the tender rain drops on the umbrella, it sounds pretty like light music.
  2. I feel quite delighted when it’s raining. Rainy weather gives me a good opportunity to slow down the pace of life, so that I can temporarily forget about the busy life and spend some time relaxing and amusing myself.

3. Rain usually makes me feel the blues. I don’t even know why. Maybe it’s nothing but human nature. What I really can’t stand is that rainy weather sometimes reminds me of unhappy memories that I’ve tried hard to forget.
  4. I tend to feel low on rainy days. The main reason might be that I would have a hard time getting around. Commuting in heavy rain is a nightmare indeed. Sometimes I’m desperately in a rush but still get to school late.

  另外,rain是一个范围很广的概念,不同类型的雨天对情绪会产生不同的影响,例如微雨(drizzle)带来浪漫的氛围,而雷雨(thunderstorm)会造成很大的麻烦。因此,分不同情况的答案也是可取的:Well, it really depends on how heavy the rain is. I find light drizzle pretty soothing because it brings a romantic atmosphere. However, when it turns out a thunderstorm, I’d be bothered a lot.

  最后给大家补充一些common types of rain:
  light drizzle 微雨 drizzle 毛毛雨 shower 阵雨 light rain 小雨

      moderate rain 中雨 heavy rain / pour 大雨 rainstorm 暴雨

      thunderstorm 雷雨 pop-up storm 雷阵雨 downpour 瓢泼大雨

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