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小编:长安 423

  雅思口语part3 是口语考试最后一部分,也是众多考生认为难度最高及最不好准备的一部分。和Part1、Part2 可以根据机经来准备不同,Part3 的问题相对随机和广泛。考生在面对part3问题时,往往会有不知道如何拓展的问题出现,在这篇文章中环球教育天津学校孙辰老师将重点介绍三种拓展答案的方法。

  1.Giving Reasons 列出原因

  这种方法是part3 最常用的拓展方法之一,在每个原因的后面可跟上具体的解释使回答更加细化,另外需要注意句式和连词的使用。

  如:Do you think internet has changed people's life a lot?

  答案:Definitely, (原因1) internet has brought so much conveniences to people. (进一步解释) Nowadays with internet, it has become much easier for us to communicate with friends and shopping online. Apart from that (连词), (原因2)internet has largely enriched our leisure activities, many people spend most of their spare time on some internet related activities, such as playing online games or browsing social networking websites.

  2.Using Examples举例


  如:Do you think parents should make goals for children?

  答案:Absolutely, especially in their early childhood. I believe that those goals could have profound effects on children's future life. (举例)Take myself as an example, when I was a child, my parents set lots of goals for me, like learning an instrument, getting up early, and doing some housework. To be frank, those goals were not that favorable to me at that time, cos it would occupied lots of my spare time for playing. Not until I grow up did I realize the benefits of those goals in my childhood. I developed good habits, and learned many useful skills. Therefore, I believe that some goals made by parents are very necessary for children.

  3.Grouping 分类讨论

  在雅思口语part3中,经常会遇到一些目标对象比较广泛的问题,如Chinese people。这种问题我们通常可以用分类讨论法来解决,常见的分类有按性别、年龄、职业以及过去和现在分类。

  如:Do Chinese people like traveling aboard?

  按年龄分:It depends on their ages. For younger people, traveling aboard is very popular cos it could always bring them different traveling experiences and allows them to see different parts of the world. However, as for old people, traveling domestically is still their first choice. The main reason is that old people normally can't stand for a long and tiring journey. Also, the language barrier could be a big problem for them.

  按过去和现在分: I suppose that traveling aboard is more popular now for Chinese people. The main reason is the cost of traveling aboard is much lower than before. However, in the past, many people couldn't afford the cost of traveling aboard and it's difficult for them to get a visa from foreign countries.




  教育背景:本科毕业于天津外国语大学,英语国际商务专业;硕士毕业于加拿大西蒙菲莎大学(Simon Fraser University) 专业:TESOL。


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