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小编:长安 93



  Nowadays more and more people are using cell phones and computers to communicate with others. Therefore, they are losing the ability of face-to-face communication. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20161126


  A rising number of people begin to be used to talking to a screen instead of real persons, with popularity of mobile phones and computers. Hence, some are concerned about that people's ability of communicating with others in person is becoming weaker and weaker. In fact, what they worry about is what is really happening.


  On one hand, advanced communication technology is substantially reducing chances for people to have a talk with someone face to face. Related technology offers people more methods to pass on a message to their target persons, like texting them and sending an email or a piece of voice message. Consequently, people do spend less time in having a word with others face to face. On top of this, due to the convenient communicating ways provided by high-tech, some people have less willingness to interact with other people, which they might think is embarrassing and uncomfortable. Those people are more likely to choose a way for communicating with others with hiding themselves behind a screen, by which they do feel safe and comfortable. Hereby, according to fewer opportunities of talking with people face to face and less willingness for doing so, losing ability of face-to-face communication is unavoidable.


  On the other hand, some objectors may argue that current technology can be used to simulate face-to-face communication with webcam utilized to show video of people who are talking. Eventually, great differences do exist between these two ways of communication. What webcam can show during a video chat is relatively limited compared with a face-to-face chat where every detail facial expression and body language can be displayed vividly and accurately.


  With chatting online or via cell phones replacing traditional communication method, humans' ability of having a talk with others face to face is being weakened inevitably.



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