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小编:xiaohe 171


  Each and every: the difference

  1.Each with two or more; every with three or more

  Each and every are both normally used with singular nouns. Each can be used to talk about two or more people or things; every is normally used to talk about three or more.

  The business makes less money each/every year. (NOT….each/every years.)

  She had a child holding on to each hand. (NOT…every hand.)

  Note Every (which is normally used with singular nouns) can be used before plural expressions in measurements of frequency. For example: every two years, every tree steps.

  I go to Hong Kong every six weeks.

  2. difference of meaning

  In many cases, both each and every can be used without much difference of meaning.

  You look more beautiful each/every time I see you.

  But we prefer each when we are thinking of people or things separately, one at a time. And every is more common when are thinking of people or things together, in a group. (Every is closer to all.) Compare:

  Each person in turn went to see the doctor.

  He gave every patient the same medicine.

  We do not use each with words and expressions like almost, practically, nearly or without exception, which stress the idea of a whole group.

  She’s lost nearly every friend she had. (NOT…nearly each friend…)

  0208-36: Almost (every) the hereditary (material) of (an individual) organism resides (in the) chromosomes.

  The correct answer is: every ----->; all.

  It\'s for sure that “every” is wrong in the sentence, but if “every” ------>; "each of", “ almost each of the…” is still wrong.

  Each other and one another

  1.no difference

  In modern English, most people normally use each other and one another in the same way. Perhaps one another is preferred (like one) when we are making very general statements, and not talking about particular people. Compare:

  They sat for two hours without talking to each other/one another.

  The translation of ‘se parler’ is ‘to talk to one another’. (More natural than…to talk to each other.)

  2.each other’s / one another’s

  Both expressions have possessive forms.

  They’ll sit for hours looking into each other’s / one another’s eyes.

  3.–selves and each other/one another

  Note the difference between –selves and each other/one another. Compare:

  They talk to themselves a lot. (Each of them talks to himself/herself.)

  They talk to each other a lot. (Each talks to the other.)

  4. words used without each other

  Note that we do not usually use each other after meet, marry and similar.

  They met in 2001.

  They married in 2001.

  Their interests are very similar.

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