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小编:Strong 168


  1. Keep on Reading to Improve Grasping Power

If you have the habit of reading a number of books or online materials, it will definitely help you a lot in the reading test. If you don’t, you can develop this habit by reading textbooks, magazines, newspapers and articles online. This will help you in grasping the written content in less time and also, you will improve your concentration. For half an hour or so, try reading text on a daily basis as part of your exam preparation.


  2.Prepare a Reading Strategy

For your success in exam, it is extremely important that you prepare a reading strategy and implement the same in the exam effectively.  There can be a number of reading strategies from which you can adopt the one which works best for you. For example, if you think solving the 3rd section first helps you gain confidence, instead of doing it at last, use this strategy as per your comfort level.


  3. Practice Mock Tests

Solve a number of mock tests from Cambridge IELTS books, IELTS websites or other materialsshared by your training institute. Always remember that practice is the key to your success in the exam. It can’t be the case at all that you hardly do practice of 1 or 2 reading passages and you can get high band score.  After solving every practice test, you come to know your weak points and silly mistakes. The more you are aware of your mistakes before exam, the better it is for you since you can then avoid them during the exam.


  4. Manage Time Effectively

Plan how you are going to divide your time effectively for completing the 3 sections. Prepare a time based reading strategy and practice accordingly. Let’s say, you have 1 hour for your reading test which you can divide as 20 mins each for every section. Keep in mind that time is crucial for success in reading, so do solve the questions with focused mind so that you can complete them all within the time. Also, keep an eye on timer to stay updated how much time you are left with.


  5. Stay Concentrated and Focused While Completing a Passage Concentration is the most important skill that will lead you towards your target band score. Devote time at home for building up your concentration level by reading texts and practicing strictlykeeping the timer with you to get the feel of exam. The more focused you are while you read the passages and solve the questions, the more quickly and accurately you are able to solve your answers.


  6. Skim the Passage Properly Skimming is the first major part of the reading test. It is nothing but reading the passage effectively. At the time you read a passage, just try to understand the main ideas of every paragraph you read. Getting a general idea or an overview of each paragraph is what we call meaningful read. One essential tip to skim a paragraph is to keep in mind the first and last line of that paragraph.


  7. Underline Keywords  Practically, what is going to help in the reading test is when you underline important keywords in the passage and the questions as well. It is another way of gaining focus using abstract reading that makes you getting closer to find the answer. Some facts, figures, capitalized words etc. are some of the common words that we underline. Also, underline keywords when you read a question and try to find those keywords in the passage to identify the right paragraph that you will refer for finding your answer.


  8. Follow the Scanning Process Carefully  After skimming the passage, scanning is the next major element of reading test and this is area that makes the difference when you find out answers correctly. You follow a particular process for scanning; firstly, use keywords from question to locate the right paragraph, read that paragraph to locate the right statement that refers to that question and then read the located statement to find the rights words (keeping in mind the word instruction) as you answer.


  9. Always Find Answers in Order  A very basic thing that most of the students are simply unaware about is that your answers follow the same order in the passage as the order of your questions. So, if you have found answer to 3rd question in 2nd paragraph, you would not get answer to 4th question in 1st paragraph, for sure. In almost all the questions, you will find regularity like this, which can be an advantage for you for finding your answers.


  10.Understand Paraphrasing and Vocabulary (Guess the Meaning)  Your questions in the reading test are paraphrased which means that different words or synonyms are used in the question. So, not every time you will find the words match with words in the passage. You may have to understand the question and then try to locate the right paragraph by understanding the synonyms. In this case, if you are not aware of the exact meaning of a particular word, even then you can solve the question, merely by understanding the complete statement and guessing the meaning of that complex word.



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