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小编:长安 114



  Some people think that it is necessary to travel abroad to learn about other countries. However, other people think that it is not necessary to travel abroad because all the information can be seen at TV and the internet. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 20160804

  Hundreds of years ago, traveling was probably the only way for people to access knowledge about other countries in spite of the undeveloped transportation technology. Nevertheless, in this information era, people obviously are able to utilize much more methods to gain what they want to learn about foreign countries. Eventually, by no means is learning about foreign countries an easy thing that people can deal with via a simple means.

  Visiting a foreign country in person, undoubtedly, can impress travelers deeply. Those travelers through their firsthand observation and experience can learn about the country effectively and efficiently. What they can see and experience there is extremely more vivid than what they can read online or watch on TV. Notwithstanding, the truth is that what travelers can experience from traveling is superficial and limited, because of limitations of traveling such as lack of time and commercialization of tourist attractions. Things that travelers often see are specially designed for them instead of the real life that the local live.

  Modern media, in this day and age, are absolutely able to provide adequate information for the study of foreign cultures. People can facilely collect abundant information, systematically and comprehensively, which travelers need to spend much more time in searching for in person. Contrarily, what those sentences, pictures and videos can show is also limited as personal experience is the key point for cultural study. An instance in point is that before trying the local food in person, people almost have no chance to imagine how delicious it tastes only via reading comments from others.

  According to what has been analyzed above, the way of learning about other countries has to be combination of theoretical study with TV or internet and practical research in person by visiting the place. Only after doing both of them, will people proudly say that they know that country well.


  People can eat a wide variety of food that can be grown in other areas. As a result, people eat more food produced in other regions than local food. Do advantages of this outweigh its disadvantages? 20160813

  In this day and age, thanks to the highly developed technology of transportation and extensive trade of food, people's diet has become abundant unprecedentedly. Notwithstanding, optimists and pessimists to this issue still have conflicting views on people's enjoying the food transported for thousands of miles.

  Merits of this situation are fairly apparent. Transporting food from one region to another demands human resources working as logistics, naturally creating more working opportunities regionally, and in the meantime local economy can definitely be boosted by food trade. Besides, another positive consequence of local high employment rate and economic prosperity is that diet of people in another region is substantially enriched.

  People with adverse standpoints believe that long-distance transportation of food undoubtedly harms environment via carbon emission. Eventually, fuel switching and mass transport are two effective methods to deal with the destruction of environment. Transporting massive food by vehicles powered by clean energy like electric rail with reasonable freight traffic plan can extremely minimize environmental cost.    

  Simultaneously, another possibly negative outcome is that some people worry about excessive use of preservatives commonly and widely utilized for storing and transporting food. In fact, primarily modern transportation technology is able to considerably reduce the time cost of shipping food from one region to another. (Most of Chinese living in major cities may have the experience of eating some fresh fruit in the evening that were picked up in the morning from some orchards 2 or 3 thousand miles away.) In addition, usage of preservatives is usually strictly regulated by laws in order to ensure the food safety.

  To sum up, what people need to do is enjoying the ample diet without worrying overly about destruction of environment and issues of food safety that some people think might be caused by long-distance transportation of food.

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