小编:长安 558Q1:请问每年的什么时候雅思口语变化?
Q2:变化率多少?30% ---40%,还是 50%?
林迁老师:绝对不可能99%的做出靠谱的预测!如老师上述所言,雅思口语题库会50%的老题目被替换replaced 掉,而所谓50%的新话题new topics 会被加进来。记住! 没有真正考试,剑桥雅思官方Cambridge University 不可能透露出题库卡的,这里当然是考生回忆的"机经"了。
Part 1 全年大盘点:
(2016年9-12月份) --Name, Working/studying, hometown, accommodation , mobile phone, computer, outdoor game, Singing, Noise, Newspaper & magazine,
Flower, Hat, Painting, walking, weather(rainy days/sunny days) , advertisement, gift, snacks /chocolate, color, future job, reading, water activity, relaxing, photography, teachers, home visiting, transportation ( taxi/bus ), weekends, bags,celebrity, handwriting,
(2016年5-8月份)-- Teamwork, riding, night /evening, dancing, Primary school, handicraft, Science course, Music, birthday, country, online shopping, park, cinema,
(2016年1-4月份)---- Stay alone, Swimming, hurry , toy, home staying, friendship, stay up late, sport, museum,
Part 2 题库预测-2017年 人物篇-people
A good part of your personality or character (好品质)
A person who moved to live with you. (共住一起的人)
A person you admire (敬佩的人)
A person you want to spend time with. (想在一起的人)
A person who you have met and want to know more about.( 一面之缘)
A person made you laugh ( 2014年旧题回归)(发笑的人)
A creative inventor or musician (创新音乐家/ 发明家)
A person who has great influence on you (影响你的人)
A family ( not your own) you like (你喜欢的一个家庭)
A good friend (一个好朋友)
A person who apologized to you ( 向你道歉的一个人)
A person who has made a contribution to society ( 对社会做出贡献的人)
A family member (家庭成员)
A person who always travel by plane (经常坐飞机的人)
A person from the news (新闻人物)
A person who has important job ( 对社会有用工作的人)
物品篇 -object
A photo (一个照片)
An app on mobile phone or computer (一个APP)
A thing you shared with others. (分享之物)
Sth. You ate for the first time ( 第一次吃的东西)
Sth. Kept for a long time in your family (家中保存之物)
An important machine /equipment you usually use in home. ( 重要家庭电器)
A gift you sent to sb. Recently ( 礼物)
An area of subject that you are interested in ( science course ) (科学课)
An interesting story or novel ( 一本小说) ---A book
A toy you played in your childhood (童年玩的玩具)
A clothes someone gave to you (别人送你的衣服)
Sth. You bought and you were happy with (满意产品)
Sth. You borrowed (借的东西)
A piece of art or craft (艺术品或工艺品)
A furniture, an important plant in your country , an important product in your country,
Your favorite place in your town /hometown (喜欢之地)
A tall building that you like and dislike ( 高的建筑)
A stadium in town /city (城市体育馆)
A small business you want to have in the future ( 拥有的小公司)
A park/garden you have visited (公园,花园).
A place you often visit (常去之地)
A place you can relax (放松之地).
A foreign country you would like to work for a short time (务工国家).
A small business you are interested in (感兴趣的小公司)
A place that attracts lots of tourists (旅游景点)
A place nearby the water (进水之地 )
A polluted place (污染之地)
A house or an apartment you like ( not your own ) (喜欢的公寓)
A street ( 一街道)
A shopping center, a place you listened to music,a library , a museum, a café )