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小编:长安 558

  Event /experience 事件篇

  A school activity you did (学校活动)

  A method that helps you to save money (省钱方式)

  A happy family event in your childhood (快乐家庭事件)

  A time you got up early (起早经历)

  A mistake you made (犯错经历)

  A positive change in your life (积极变化)

  An important skill you learnt in your childhood (重要技能)

  A good news you received (好消息)

  A situation that you got angry (生气经历)

  A short trip you disliked (不喜欢的短途旅游)

  A wedding you attended (参加婚礼)

  A time you saw a wild animal (野生动物接触经历)

  A time you were busy (忙碌时刻)

  A time you needed imagination to imagine (想象力发挥经历)

  A journey you would like to go with car /motorbike /bike (交通旅行)

  A special meal  you had with sb. (特殊一顿饭)

  An interesting or unusual thing you do in your spare time (休闲方式)

  A time you missed an appointment ( 失约经历)

  A team project for study or entertainment ( 团队活动)

  A difficult decision you made (困难的决定)

  a happy family event in your childhood (童年家庭幸福事件)

  A time you got up early (早期经历)

  A plan was affected by bad weather ( 坏天气影响的一个计划)

  A time you used foreign language (第一次用外语交流的经历)

  A time you watched the sky (望天的经历)

  An important conversation with sb. (重要的谈话)

  A success in your life (人生中的一次成功)

  An occasion when sb. Or sth. Made noise ( 噪音经历)

  A special trip you want to have in the future ( 未来旅行)

  An  important thing that you forgot to do ( 忘记做的事)

  Sth. You would like do if  you were given a day off (一日假期)

  A dream you had (做过的一次梦)

  A time you helped others (助人为乐)

  A long walk (长时间的散步)

  A time you waited for sb./sth. (一次等待)

  A long journey you had by taking a car /driving a car ( 自驾游)

  An important  festival in China (重要节日)

  Media/Entertainment 媒体& 娱乐

  A website you often visit (访问网站)

  A movie you like ( 一部电影)

  An extreme sport (昂贵体育)

  A news from newspaper or magazine (一则新闻)

  An interesting tradition in your country (有趣传统)

  A course you want to learn (想学课程)

  Sth. You do to keep fit (健身方式)

  A song you like (喜欢的歌曲)

  An outdoor activity (户外运动)

  An advertisement (一则广告)

  A goal you want to achieve (目标实现)

  An article you read (about health ) (一篇文章)

  A job you want to do in the future (想做工作)

  An interesting story you watched on TV  program (有趣电视故事/节目)

  An environmental law (环保法) ---an  important law in your country

  A sport you learned for the first time (首次学体育)

  A special song ---a childhood song

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