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小编:长安 143



  In many countries, planers tend to arrange shops, schools, offices and homes in specific areas and separate them from each other. Do you think the advantages of this policy outweigh its disadvantages? 20170729


  While struck in traffic jam or wasting excessively much time on people's way to somewhere, urban residents all over the world like to complain about their chaotic urban layout. It sounds rational that a city can be well organized by planning functional areas separately. However, on no account can urban planning be that simple.


  The first complaint that people living in cities with many particular zones designed separately have must be the extremely congested traffic. Every morning thousands of private vehicles would go to the zone of schools or business from residential areas, and likewise a great number of cars would go to the zone of malls and supermarkets at weekends. This kind of directed and heavy traffic flow, without any doubt, could cause traffic jam that people frown on.


  What people also have to suffer from is the great inconvenience generated by city planning like this. Urban dwellers need to walk or drive a long distance to buy their daily necessities since in the living areas there would be no stores planned, and similarly they have to be dragged out of the zone they are living in to access all kinds of social services like going to hospital, school and work. In fact, those social services ought to be thought as supporting ones planned near or in housing areas.


  Contrarily, advocates to urban layout like this argue that planning cities in this way makes our cities more manageable. Notwithstanding, the first principle of city planning is, of course, for bringing residents as much convenience as possible. As to city administrators, they are merely public servants whose interests can never be beyond that of people. We construct cities for offering good living environment for every citizen there but not a comfortable working environment for those city administrators.


  In a nutshell, living in the city with many zones of different functions must be a nightmare. Meanwhile, city planning is a complicated subject, and obviously it is not as easy as playing the board game Monopoly.



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