小编:Strong 552今天环球教育天津学校储楚老师介绍一部纪录片当中的一个小故事,由此我们来学习一个单词。在认识单词之前,我们先一起来了解一下这部纪录片拍摄到的故事:一种叫Great Dusky Swifts的雨燕,生活在伊瓜苏瀑布后的岩壁上。因为他们有防水的羽毛,所以可以飞入瀑布,既可以躲避天敌falcon,也可以把幼崽安置在安全的环境中。但是因为在上游水系,人类建设的大坝会在水位高涨之前开闸泄洪,这就导致下游的瀑布水流量激增,这对于需要穿越瀑布的雨燕来说难度实在是非常大,而且他们在岩壁上的巢穴也会被水流冲垮淹没,成年雨燕只能仓皇逃离,无力挽救他们羽翼未丰的幼崽。所以,每年都会有大量的雨燕幼崽丧命。然而任何生命总是顽强而有生机的,也有很多年幼的鸟儿冲破水幕,获得新生。这个故事其实非常像一个综合写作的故事不是吗?它提出了一个人类活动,指出三点这项人类活动给动物带来的影响。anyway,说回这个故事片段,在这一幕最后,旁白字幕配上了这样一句话:
" These remarkable birds have colonized a niche in which few can survive.(这群非凡的鸟在绝境之中迎来一丝生机)"这句话的中文非常意译,也就是说,如果我们中英文一一对应,会发现没有一个单词的意思是绝境,也没有一个单词的意思是迎来,或是生机。
1.a position or role taken by a kind of living thing within its community.
Different living things may occupy the same niche in different places.
2.a small hollow place, especially in a wall to contain a statue, etc, or in the side of a hill.
1.even if the new population is of a different species,
it can approximately fill the niche vacated by the extinct population
and keep the food web intact.
(TPO3 READING the long-term stability of ecosystem)
2.On the basis of these experiments and of field observations,
the so-called law of competitive exclusion was formulated,
according to which no two species can occupy the same niche.
(TPO29 READING competition)
3."Can you tell us what an ecological niche is?"
" The place where the plant or animal lives, you know, its habitat?
Uh, like the polar bear living in the Arctic, on the ice sheet.
The Arctic is its niche, the habitat it's adapted to survive in."
"Okay. That's what most people think of....But for biologists,
the concept of a niche also includes the way an organism functions in its habitat,
how it interacts with other plant and animal species, with the soil,
the air, the water and so on."(TPO36 LISTENING Guase's hypothesis)
仔细阅读我们会发现,这几句话里niche的意思就是刚刚的第一个意思 栖息区域/生态区位。