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小编:cherry 251



  1. Do you like watching films?


  参考答案:Absolutely, I am a big fan of films. Whenever there is any Hollywood blockbuster released, I am gonna rush to the cinema and check it out.丨 think each film records a story and each story is a reflection of life. Films enable me to experience different lives, which is the beauty of films. And the best part of it is that I can always learn something that I can never learn from anywhere else.

  2. What kind of films do you like watching?



I get a kick out of romantic films, comedies and thrillers. Especially when I feel down, I love to watch comedies because they help me get out of depression and crack me up; while when I feel frustrated or upset, I watch inspirational movies. They cheer me up and make me understand the real meaning of life and explore the richness of experiences.

  3. How often do you usually go to a movie?



Generally speaking, I go to a movie once a month; but it depends. It depends on whether there is any Hollywood blockbuster released or not. You know, I can never resist the temptation from those big hits. Those film debuts are always tempting.

  4. Where would you prefer to watch films, at home or in the cinema?


  参考答案: I would prefer to watch films in the cinema because it offers me the most amazing audio and visual enjoyment. The sound and visual effects are brilliant. I MAX is awesome! It is something that watching films at home can never hold a candle to. But watching films at home has its own advantages as well. Those DVDs cost almost nothing and I can watch them anytime I want. It is totally my call.

  5. What are the differences between the western films and Chinese films?



  A western film normally features a high budget, an all-star cast, an outstanding film director, a grand spectacle and amazing special effects. The massive advertising and public stunt tempt audiences into cramming into the cinema. However, Chinese films pale in comparison with western ones in these aspects. Without celebrities or gaudy special effects, Chinese films are mainly targeted at local audiences, so down-to-earth romantic films and comedies are all good preions for Chinese audiences. Let me put it this way, western films feature blockbusters while Chinese films cater for local tastes.



  Do you like to watch films?

  Do you prefer foreign films or Chinese films?

  How often do you go to a cinema to watch a movie?

  Do Chinese people like to go to a cinema to watch a film?

  What kinds of movies do you like best?

  What was the first film that you watched?

  雅思口语Part1 电影类话题举一反三就是这样做到的。上述的思路介绍以及问题点拨,相信对大家会有一定帮助和启发。最后,祝大家考出满意的雅思成绩。

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