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小编:长安 1404



  Some groups of people have benefited from modern communication technology. However, some think they do not have any benefit from this. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20170812



  In contemporary society, is there any technology that can make everyone in this world beneficiary of it? Without any doubt, the answer must be negative. Hence, while majority of people enjoy the great convenience brought by modern technology related to communication, people suffering from adverse impacts of it also deserve attention from the public.


  Initially, people whose privacy is exposed because of modern communication technology belong to the vulnerable group that the public ought to keep a watchful eye on. A considerable proportion of internet users have the same experience of seeing some pictures of some people having misconduct in public places, like smoking in the place with "No Smoking" sign. There is no doubt that those people are doing something totally wrong, but who uploads these pictures without their permit to let millions of netizens see must be the one who deserves more blame since people taking and sharing these pictures online are invading others' privacy.


  Additionally, people without sufficient ability to tell the right from the wrong are definitely the disadvantaged in terms of using modern communication technology. Minor internet users can be easily misled by bad information online, so that for instance some of them will become more violent and aggressive. Similarly, elder users are often seen as primary targets of telecom fraud since they are not capable of distinguishing who they can trust and who they cannot. Hence, some con artists utilize related technology to transfer old people's deposit into their own account without a trace.


  In brief, although no one can deny the convenience brought by use of modern communication technology, victims of it need to be paid more concern to by both governments and the public. No technology is perfect, but its perfection is always what people pursue.



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