小编:长安 342每天总是有浏览国外媒体报刊的习惯,若是不读的话,总感觉生活中缺少点什么,或许可以称之为“Reading has been part of my everyday life”。
环球教育(原环球教育)林迁老师在平时大班授课时,不可避免的被学生问到阅读外刊(foreign media)的用途何在?
其实阅读外刊呢,对广大的雅思烤鸭的Ielts speaking 还有Ielts Writing 有太多的用途了。举个最简单的例子example来说,雅思口语中的Part3部分同雅思写作的Task 2可以说极其相似的。
若是经常浏览current affair 的同学,“扯”起ietls speaking中的任何一个Academic 和Abstract的问题,可以说就能真正的做到Further Discussion。所以老师真心希望同学们能够真正的去download 一个App 去做一个真正的 An avid reader。
今天偶然间翻到BBC News的中国China 部分,被striking 的题目struck到了。“The words that ruled the Chinese internet in 2016”,2016年即将过去,2017年is around the corner。中国网友历来年末就有搞出所谓“诙谐幽默及极其创意的的”年度流行语,下面跟着老师咱们一一的去看BBC的老外记者correspondent总结的了。
1.chuan Trump 四川川普
美国当选总统Trump ,网友称其为“川普”,还杜撰调侃称在二战World War Two,川普的老爹在中国四川省做生意时,他的儿子川普出生在了四川省。当然以上说法并不是真的,网友们脑洞大开也是无极限的不行。
Last year, US President-elect Donald Trump was known as "bed-breaker" - a Chinese homonym for his name.
This year, he's "chuanpu", one of two spellings of his name commonly used by mainstream media outlets.
Some have joked about his connection to Sichuan, whose name shares the same Chinese character. But the weirdest riff of all happened when some speculated that he was actually from the southwest province best known for its pandas and spicy food.
2.“洪荒之力”Prehistoric powers
中国的游泳运动员Fu Yuan Hui,在赢得了铜牌后,被采访的时候,这姑娘竟然非常搞笑的喊道,我已经用了洪荒之力来游泳了,这姑娘一炮走红。
National swimmer Fu Yuanhui not only won a bronze medal at the Rio Olympic Games, but also scored a win with viewers in China in a now-iconic TV interview.
When told she had qualified for the final, Fu pulled a comically exaggerated face and declared: "I have used all my prehistoric powers to swim!"
'Prehistoric powers', or "honghuangzhili", was swiftly adopted as a term for an unstoppable force, while Fu became an internet darling.
3.Meteorological disaster 气象灾害
你们都知道吧,今年,中国首都北京北严重的雾霾天气笼罩数日,北京准备将雾霾为“气象灾害或天灾”。消息一出,网友们就讽刺性的调侃了。 这个吧,哥不想多说,说多了都是泪tear啊。
As several Chinese cities choke in the annual winter smog.Earlier this month, municipal lawmakers said they were considering classifying smog as a meteorological disaster or "tianzai", arguing that the smog was caused not only by pollution but also weather conditions.
The move drew mockery online from fed-up citizens with even state media publishing rare criticism. People's Daily quoted one professor saying that the plan "not only goes against science, it will also create an excuse for polluters to escape their culpability."
The smog has also spawned other terms - such as "Smog Solstice", cropped up in a reference to the winter solstice.