小编:Strong 135托福考试中词汇量非常重要,天津环球教育分享一下口袋珍藏,新托福写作同义词转换高分词,希望可以帮助考生们取得高分。
1.加速 accelerate( speed up, precipitate)
2.占优势 predominate(dominate)
3.分辨 distinguish( differentiate, discern)
4.抵消 counteract (offset, cancel out)
5.开展 1aunch( conduct, carry out)
6.颁布 enact( enforce, promulgate)
7.生活节奏 pace of life(rhythm of life, tempo of life)
8.影响 influence(effect, impact)
9.差异 difference(distinction,gap)
10.优先 give priority to(put., into first place)
11.节约 economize( conserve, cherish)
12.措施 measure(step: action)
13.注意 beware( prevent, guard against)
1.限制 restrain( constrain, confine)
2.促进 promote( contribute to, upgrade)
3.适应 adapt to( adjust to, acclimate to)
4.提供 provide( render,give)
5.替代 replace( substitute, take the place of)
6.国外的 foreign( alien, exotic)
7.灾难 disaster( misfortune, catastrophe)
8.发展 advance( progress
9.倾向于 tend to( be inclined to, be apt to)
10.吸引 attract( (allure, tempt)
11.专注的 be absorbed in( be immersed in, devote oneset)
12.禁止 forbid(ban, prohibit)
13.实现 achieve( fulfill, implement)
14.危害 endanger( threaten, jeopardize)
15.损害 undermine( (impair, damage)
16.阻碍 hinder( obstruct, impede)
1.自私的 self-centered( selfish, inconsiderate)
2.体谅的 considerate(understanding, sympathetic
3.怜漠的 indifferent( apathetic, aloof
4.奢侈的 wasteful( luxurious, extravagant)
5.残忍的 inhumane( brutal, barbaric
6.绝望的 hopeless( despairing. desperate)
7.过分的 excessive( extravagant, exorbitant)
8.严厉的 stringent (rigorous, rigid)
9.奇怪的 eccentric( odd, peculiar)
10.难以置信的 unbelievable(incredulous, virtual)
11.惊人的 extraordinary( marvelous, spectacular)
12.有抱负的 ambitious( aggressive;, aspirant)
13.固有的 inherent( nature, innate)